There are tens of thousands of North Carolina residents who struggle with drug addiction. Over 1,000 residents die each year in the state as a direct consequence of drug use and addiction. Alcohol abuse is also a very prevalent problem causing dire consequences in the state, with 363 alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths in 2009. Abuse of prescription drugs is also a very common problem in North Dakota and nationally, with pain killers being the main prescription drug which are abused in the state. Prescription drug addiction can occur either through legitimate use or by illicit drug users who use them to get high. Because there are so many drug and alcohol related deaths each year in the state and many other consequences, North Carolina residents must take advantage of effective drug rehab programs which can help them recover from addiction before it is too late. There are a myriad of drug rehab programs that North Dakota residents can take advantage of, and addicted individuals can choose a program which suits their needs and is appropriate for their circumstances and level of addiction and dependence.
For non-drug users, it can be very difficult to understand why someone would choose a life of addiction over things of real value such as one's health, family, and career. Unfortunately, drugs take over one's mind and actions to the point that they become an addicted individual's only reason for living. It is a daily internal battle, one which will never end if they don't get help. The reason they won't put an end to addiction isn't because they are evil or have bad intentions for themselves and others, even though it may seem that way to others. They continue to use drugs despite the destruction it causes because of an intense physical and psychological dependence that users quickly develop to their drug of choice. Anyone who is caught up in addiction most certainly would rather a healthy and productive life, and would choose to be drug free if they could. The last thing they really want to do is hurt themselves and the ones they love by choosing addiction over their family, friends and own personal well being. But this is the power of drugs, a power which is all consuming and which cannot easily be overcome on one's own.
Family and friends do not have to sit back and watch their loved ones go down this road of self decay and destruction. There are things that they can do to take effective action to do something about it. One of these ways is to hold a drug intervention. Once it is evident that drug addiction is a reality, find an appropriate drug rehab program and liaise a treatment counselor to enlist the help of a professional drug interventionist in North Carolina. A professional drug interventionist is someone who can help intervention participants to ensure the intervention a success by educating and guiding them through the process.
Once someone makes it into drug rehab either on their own accord or because of a successful drug intervention, a drug detox is the first phase of treatment they will go through. When the suddenly stop using drugs, they will experience what is known as withdrawal symptoms as the drugs leave their body and it becomes accustomed to function without drugs. Certain drugs must not be stopped cold turkey without medical intervention, and alcohol is one of these substances to watch out for particularly. Withdrawing from certain drugs and alcohol can be life threatening, and may cause grand mal seizures and other serious conditions. This is why it is important to never attempt detox on one's own. Most withdrawal symptoms experiences during detox can be easily and safely overcome in a days or weeks however. Individuals in a drug rehab setting are kept as comfortable as possible during detox and have any needed care and support available to them 24/7 which is important during this very sensitive time.
The actual process of rehabilitating the addict begins after detox, so individuals in treatment should not be disillusioned that detox is the end of the road in drug rehab. It is important to overcome withdrawal symptoms and get detoxed in a safe manner, but it is not treatment in itself. Treatment for the psychological and emotional ties to drugs and alcohol takes considerable effort and time at a drug rehab, and isn't something to be taken lightly or hastened. This in the end is what is going to ensure the individual fully overcomes addiction and will never use drugs again. Treatment counselors at a drug rehab will develop a comprehensive treatment plan including intensive group and individual counseling, behavioral therapy and other proven treatment techniques that will address the varying reasons someone may have began using drugs in the first place. It can take months to address such issues fully, a timeframe which can vary significantly from person to person. Drug rehab programs in North Carolina which provide services for as long as needed to truly rehabilitate a person are the more superior programs in the state, not short term 30 day programs which send the individual back into the dragon's lair after a short stint of treatment. Residential and inpatient drug rehab programs in North Carolina for example allow the individual to take part in a treatment curriculum which is tailored exactly to their needs and provides a distraction free environment where they can focus 100% on bettering themselves and becoming rehabilitated. These types of programs require at least a 90 day stay and often offer aftercare programs which are overseen by treatment counselors to ensure the individual is stable and remaining abstinent.
If you know someone is addicted to drugs in North Carolina, there is no need to wait another minute or suffer the consequences of addiction for one more day. Contact a professional treatment counselor at a drug rehab in North Carolina immediately and find answers which can be applied today to help yourself or someone you love fully recover from addiction.