Substance abuse is a very prevalent and serious problem in the state of Washington. Rates of illicit street drug abuse are above the national average, methamphetamine is a particular problem. High rates of abuse of prescription pain relievers is a serious problem not just in Washington, but all over the country. The problem of prescription drug abuse is an insidious one because these types of prescription drugs are legal and easy to get. It is becoming a common practice to "pill pop"�' even if you don�''t have a legitimate prescription to do so. Even those with a legitimate prescription can easily become involved in abuse of these drugs, because they are so powerfully addictive. It is just as easy to become on these types of drugs as any other drug of abuse, and rates of abuse are commensurate with any other drug of choice at this point. Drug related deaths in the state have doubled in recent years, a consequence which is directly related to the escalated rates of abuse of prescription pain killers in Washington. Due to the fact that there are so many serious consequences for Washington residents if they don�''t get help, those who are involved in substance abuse must get to into drug rehab programs in the state at all costs before it is too late.
Family and friends can find it very difficult to watch their loved one�''s entire world deteriorate inside and out because of addiction. Why would someone choose drugs over their health, their career and their family? The truth is that drugs can take over to such a point that individuals aren�''t even making a conscious decision regarding their drug use any longer; they simply go into survival mode and will do anything to satiate cravings and numb reality. While they may have first began using drugs to cover up stress, problems, etc. in their lives, these problems are now far worse because of their drug use and it just becomes a viscous cycle that never ends. Once caught up in it, most addicted individuals will not be able to control their drug use and quit on their own no matter how much they want to. This is because of the physical and psychological dependence that users quickly develop to drugs and without intervention this will very likely be how their life will end.
This doesn�''t have to be the case, and there are things that concerned family members and friends can do to intervene before it is too late. Don�''t wait for your family member or friend to hit rock bottom, this is an old and stale concept that simply doesn�''t hold true in reality. As soon it is evident that there is a problem, and if the individual won�''t get help or is in denial, hold a drug intervention immediately to get the individual into drug rehab before any further damage is done. A drug intervention is a meeting with the addict where family members and friends can come together to confront them and show them that there are things in life worth living for, primarily the relationships and love that are there supporting them to get help. If a drug intervention sounds like the next step, work with a professional treatment counselor at the drug rehab of choice in Washington, who can help you enlist the help of a professional drug interventionist. An interventionist can help all participants become knowledgeable in the intervention process and make sure their loved one makes it to drug rehab and get the help they need.
Once in a drug rehab in Washington, the physical side of addiction is the first step that must be overcome and treatment professionals will get the individual through a safe and thorough drug or alcohol detox. This is the process whereby the body is eliminating the drugs from the body and readjusting to normal function without them. Most individuals will get through this process in a matter of days with minimal problems, although most will experience mild to moderate discomfort and other common withdrawal symptoms. Some individuals will need to be under medical supervision during detox because of certain withdrawal symptoms which can be life threatening, as is the case with alcohol and prescription benzodiazepines. In a drug rehab setting in Washington, drug treatment professionals will ensure that detox is a safe and smooth process so that individuals will get through it and onto the next phase of treatment which is crucial for their long term abstinence.
After detox, treatment professionals will work with the individual through intensive group and individual counseling, behavioral therapy and other useful treatment tools to help resolve the real issues which caused and may continue to trigger their substance abuse. So that the individual can completely focus on this important phase of treatment, it is best to be in a treatment setting which is conducive to distraction free rehabilitation. Drug rehab programs in Washington which provide services in a residential and inpatient setting for 90 days or longer are the most successful programs in the state. In a long term residential or inpatient drug rehab facility the individual will be able to take part in treatment without outside influences compromising their progress, and for as long as needed which can vary greatly from person to person.
If you know someone in Washington who is struggling with substance abuse, it is important that they get effective help as soon as possible. Don�''t wait until it is too late and the ultimate consequence is a stark reality, as is often the case for so many who lose their life to addiction in the state each year. Everyone involved has nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing everything possible to help someone out of a life of addiction and getting them into drug rehab so they can make a fresh start. Contact a professional treatment counselor at a drug rehab in Washington today and help someone you love receive effective treatment for addiction.