The state of New Hampshire has very high rates of drug and alcohol use and abuse, and the need for effective treatment solutions in the form of drug rehab is very evident. Along with significantly higher than average rates of alcohol use, New Hampshire has a significantly higher proportion of individuals aged 18 - 25 who have used prescription analgesics to get high, and one in ten in the same age group also report dependence to or abuse of illicit drugs. As a result of alcohol and drug abuse, many consequences are evident such as drug related deaths which has increased for ten of the last fifteen years from 28 in 2000 to 174 in 2010, with prescription drug related overdose deaths almost doubling in the past two years. With such a significant problem in New Hampshire, residents affected must know where to get effective help to end addiction and avoid the consequences it can cause.
It is not uncommon for addicted individuals to remain in denial about their addiction, and even go so far as vilifying others to justify their behavior. Family and loved ones may begin to believe these lies and harbor guilt, and can often become enablers and get caught up in the web of addiction. This is all part of a false world that the addicted individual must create to justify their actions, and family members and loved ones must not fall prey to this, even in an effort to "help"�'. The only reason the addicted individual is using drugs is because they don't have the tools to help themselves. The guilt trips and web of lies created by the addict are all just a means of self preservation to continue their habit and survive. This is no way to live, for the addict of the innocent victims that are affected by this behavior. Enabling them is not helping them, but there are effective ways to help them that are accessible right away.
Overcoming addiction isn't easy, but very realistic. While most will be discouraged from trying to kick their habit on their own and failing, this doesn't mean that it is impossible. It just means that they don't understand enough about the drug rehab process and what it really takes to overcome addiction, as they are only trying to overcome the physical aspects of addiction. Addiction has an emotional and psychological side as well which must be addressed to guarantee long term abstinence. This is where the experience and expertise of professional treatment counselors comes in, and why drug rehab is a far superior option that trying to kick the habit on one's own.
It can sometimes take some convincing to get someone to drug rehab in New Hampshire. Once it is evident however that the individual is struggling with addiction, everything must be done to intervene to get the addicted individual the help they need before any further damage is done to themselves or anyone else. If the individual will simply not listen to the voice of reason at first and go to drug rehab to get help, close friends and family members may need to enlist the help of a professional interventionist. An interventionist can help orchestrate the intervention itself by educating and guiding all involved through the process. A drug intervention is a tool which has proven very effective for many years in getting addicted individuals into treatment and it is worth a shot.
Some drug rehab programs in New Hampshire are better than others, meaning some have higher success rates than others. Because of this, individuals seeking drug rehab in New Hampshire for themselves or loved ones should know what the different options are and what each has to offer. A short term or outpatient drug rehab for example does not provide the sufficient treatment environment or length of treatment needed to address addiction fully. While these types of programs may help individuals become abstinent, these results are rarely lasting and frequent relapses which are common can be very discouraging. This is why inpatient and residential drug rehab programs in New Hampshire are the more superior drug rehabs available, especially those which promote a longer stay. Ninety days is the typical length of stay in such a drug rehab program, although some allow the individual to remain in treatment even longer as needed.
Once someone is in a drug rehab program that is suitable for their needs, they will first be gotten through a drug or alcohol detoxification to help them overcome all withdrawal symptoms as safely and as comfortable as possible. While most symptoms of withdrawal are merely uncomfortable, they are very rarely life threatening. There are certain drugs and alcohol for example which do carry higher risks however, and some withdrawal symptoms can be life threatening. For this reason, individuals should be under the supervision and care of treatment professionals and medical staff during detox.
After getting through detox and being in a better position mentally to focus on treatment, individuals will begin to put the pieces together of how they became addicted to drugs in the first place. These reasons can be different for everyone, and professional treatment counselors can help individuals hone in on these issues and through intensive counseling and therapy techniques help get them resolved once and for all. The reasons someone becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol in the first place most often times aren't physical in nature, but emotional and psychological. Once these issues are addressed, even if someone does have a craving for drugs, they will be in a better position to deal with drug triggers and cravings because they will be more in control of their thoughts and behavior about drugs.
If you know someone who is struggling with addiction in New Hampshire and needs to find a way out of it, don't waste any more time. Contact a professional treatment counselor at a drug rehab program in New Hampshire to get any questions answered and get yourself or someone you care about on the path to a fresh start today.