Just about every illicit drug as well as alcohol and diverted pharmaceuticals are abused in the state of Colorado. Because of this, many addicted individuals suffer dire consequences including health, legal and social consequences and lose their lives to addiction each year. The consequences of addiction go far beyond those which the drug user experiences, and addiction leaves many innocent victims in its path including children, spouses and other loved ones and friends. To help put an end to the destruction that drug and alcohol addiction causes, individuals must get help at an effective drug rehab program in the state. If someone won't get help on their own, it is sometimes necessary for friends and family to intervene and persuade them to get the help they need.
If you have a friend or loved one who is addicted to drugs, you know the daily toll it takes on everyone involved. It is unfortunate that many others get pulled into the addict's cycle of behavior, some even taking on rolls as enablers which can become all consuming and the unhealthiest relationship one can possibly be a part of. There is a way out of it, and those affected must come together and do everything possible to not only get the addicted individual in drug rehab but also put the pieces of their own life back together. In fact, it is sometimes necessary for family members and other loved ones to take part in treatment themselves to repair any emotional or psychological damage that may have occurred in their lives. This can sometimes takes place in the form of counseling with the addict, or even personal one on one counseling with a professional treatment counselor or addiction therapist.
One proven and effective method of convincing someone to enter drug rehab, after prior attempts have failed, is to hold a drug intervention with the help of a professional interventionist. Professional interventionists can educate intervention participants and help guide them through the intervention process so that it is a success. Intervention participants will confront the addict and let them know how their addiction has affected their life and their relationship, and any other truths which will hit home for the addict. The ultimate goal is to offer the addict an effective solution to the problem, drug rehab, as a means of putting an end to this destruction and personal decay. Most will accept this help, and if they don't it can put others who are affected back in a position of power of the situation as they will be forced to enforce ultimatums if the individual doesn't go to drug rehab. These ultimatums are sometimes just enough pressure to persuade someone to go to drug rehab, and should be enforced at all costs and in the best interests of everyone involved.
Whether the individual decides to go to treatment on their own or a drug intervention has been a success, their first stop will be drug detox. During detox, they will almost always experience physical symptoms which may be uncomfortable and even sometimes painful. They will also experience intense cravings for their drug or drugs of choice, an important reason to be in a drug rehab setting with no access to drugs to cut down on the chances of relapse. Treatment professionals will ensure that detox is as comfortable as possible, while working in coordination with medical professionals to ensure it is a safe detox. For example, detoxing from alcohol can be particularly dangerous and even life threatening and no one who has become physically dependent to alcohol should ever try and quit on their own. Benzodiazepines, a type of prescription drug, are another example of drugs which should only be abstained from under medical supervision.
Once drug detox is complete and most of the physical symptoms of addiction are at bay, the individual can then focus on getting through intense counseling and taking part in other therapeutic methods of treatment to become fully rehabilitated. It is not uncommon for individuals to have cravings even after detox is complete, but in a therapeutic setting such as a drug rehab not only will they have no access to drugs but they will have the care and support needed to remain abstinent. Because treatment setting is one of the most important aspects of treatment, the drug rehab process works best when conducted in an inpatient or residential setting where the individual can take part in treatment without distraction from things which could stunt their progress. It is important that the individuals retains their gains and successes in treatment and is given every opportunity to do so.
Another important factor to consider is length of treatment. For example, some drug rehab programs may only provide treatment for a couple of days or weeks, which is not even going to help an individual through most of the physical challenges they will have to overcome. Many more emotional and psychological challenges are under the surface which must be revealed and addressed thoroughly if the individual is to be truly rehabilitated and be able to make a fresh start. This is why the most successful drug rehab programs in Colorado are those which not only provide a therapeutic and stable treatment environment, but one's which require a stay of at least 90 days and even up to a year in some cases. This will ensure that the individual is not just abstinent but at a stable point physically, mentally and emotionally and ready for the real world.
If you or someone you know in Colorado is struggling with addiction, take the time to discover what treatment options are available in the state by speaking with a professional drug treatment counselor. Get any concerns resolved and any questions answered, and even receive guidance on holding an intervention as needed to help persuade someone you care about to make the right choice of treatment over drugs or alcohol. Don't let addiction take its toll on you or anyone else you care about, especially when the answers and solutions are available in Colorado and at your fingertips.