The state of Minnesota is faced with a problem that every other state in the nation in faced with, and that is the problem of drug abuse and addiction. Along with the problems of abuse and addiction, come the very dire consequences associated with drugs which affect not only the users in the state but the rest of the population as well in terms of social, economic and health consequences. There are hundreds of drug induced deaths each year in the state, related to all common illicit drugs but with a particular rise in opiate-related deaths in recent years. The rise in "other opiate"�' (other than heroin) deaths in Minnesota is primarily due to the recent rise in rates of diverted pharmaceutical drug abuse in the state, which are either synthetic opiates or opiates themselves such as morphine. With the ever increasing availability of such drugs and their potency and addiction risks, the need for effective drug rehab programs in Minnesota has never been greater.
Drug addiction takes a daily toll it takes on everyone involved in Minnesota, and it is not uncommon for innocent victims of addiction to get pulled into the addict�''s cycle of behavior. Loved ones and friends try to do things which they think may "help"�', and wind up taking on rolls as enablers. These are some of the unhealthiest relationships one can possibly be in, but there is a way to put an end to it all so that everyone can begin to heal from addiction. Family members and friends of the addict must come together and do everything possible to get them in drug rehab and also work on putting their own life back together even if this means taking part in treatment themselves. It can be very helpful for non-addicted individuals who have been affected by addiction to take part in some form of counseling either alone or with the addict to ensure they have unburdened themselves of any guilt and so that they can make a fresh start as well.
If all else has failed and the addicted individual will not make the choice to go to drug rehab on their own, a drug intervention with the help of a professional interventionist is one of the most effective methods or persuading them to go. Professional interventionists help educate and guide intervention participants through the intervention process so that it can be a success. At an intervention, participants will confront the addict and let them know how their addiction has affected their life and their relationship. At the intervention the individual is offered an effective solution to put an end to the destruction and that drugs have caused them and others, and may leave right away for drug rehab. This is a tool which has proven invaluable in most cases and most will choose drug rehab over continuing a life of drugs.
When the individual first makes it to drug rehab in Minnesota their first stop will be drug detox. When an individual stops using drugs, such as when they run out or when they decide to quit on their own, they experience physical symptoms which may be uncomfortable and even sometimes painful. Intense cravings for their drug or drugs of choice are also very common during this time. These factors make it very important that the individual be in a drug rehab setting with no access to drugs and with all of the emotional support that they can possibly have. Professional treatment counselors are highly experienced in handling everything individuals will be going through during this time and will work tirelessly to ensure that detox is as comfortable as possible.
Drug detox can be completed very easily in a matter of days, so that all physical symptoms of withdrawal have subsided and the individual is no longer high. This makes it possible for the individual in treatment to be able to have complete attention the next important steps of drug rehab, which have to do with the psychological and emotional side of addiction. At this point, professional treatment counselors will work with them utilizing various therapeutic methods to uncover the real reasons they became addicted to drugs in the first place and help resolve them one by one. Individuals in treatment will get the best results if they are in a therapeutic and distraction free environment, such as an inpatient or residential drug rehab in Minnesota. Here, drug rehab client will have their focus on rehabilitation and not on things which may trigger drug use or deny them their gains in treatment.
It is important to consider the length of time spent in drug rehab as an important factor which can guarantee success. If someone only dedicates a couple of weeks to the rehabilitation process, they are setting themselves up for failure. It can take months and even up to a year for someone who was dependent and addicted to drugs to really get to the bottom of their addiction. If they skimp on this process, they are only going to wind up back in drug rehab or worse yet setting themselves up for consequences such as drug overdose and even death. For this reason, drug rehab programs in Minnesota which require a stay of at least 90 days are those which are preferential drug rehab facilities in the state and have the highest success rates.
If you or someone you know in Minnesota is addicted to drugs and needs to find a way out of this lifestyle and the consequences it brings, learn what treatment options are available by speaking with a professional drug treatment counselor at a drug rehab in the state. Addiction can happen to anyone, and no one should feel weak or guilty for needing help. There are solutions to the problem of addiction in Minnesota to put an end to the viscous cycle of addiction once and for all. Contact a treatment counselor today and help yourself or someone you love make a better life for themselves.